Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pick a Topic, Pick a Date

Have you been thinking about offering a teleseminar, webinar, or live workshop, because you know that it will increase your list numbers, showcase you as an expert, bring you new clients and customers, and be just plain fun, but you haven t actually moved forward with the idea?
Maybe you have too many topics to choose from and you don t know which one to do first. Maybe you have a general idea of what you want to do, but you haven t actually spent time giving some structure to it. And maybe you re a little afraid of putting yourself out there in such a public way.
So even though you know what a boost holding an event like this would give to your business, still you hestitate actually implementing it.
That s exactly how I felt about leading a teleseminar about Google Adwords. Here was a topic that I only knew a little about, and which can be pretty complex. But I also knew how powerful Adwords could be for my own business growth, and I decided that I really wanted to learn it inside and out - someday.
Then I was presented with the opportunity to teach a class for someone else s membership list. I could choose my topic, so I took the leap and offered to teach a class about Adwords. I knew that "someday" would eventually come, but here was a chance to do what I said I wanted to NOW. So I committed to teaching the class, which meant that I was committed to learning what I needed to by the date of the class!
If I had waited until I had time to learn Adwords, or until I decided that I was ready to teach what I knew, I d still be thinking about it as an idea of something I wanted to do - someday. But because I picked a topic and then picked a date, it actually happened.
And because it did, I ended up gaining two new clients and developing a series of classes on this topic. And as a bonus, my conversion rates for my own campaign are at 27% (which is really good!) because of what I learned in order to teach.
What ideas are populating your mind but not your product funnel at the moment? Pick one, take out your calendar, pick a deadline for having it completed, and then make a public commitment to having it ready by then to your coach and your colleagues.
Then write and post your sales page, and start registering people for your event. Once you do that, I guarantee you ll have it done and ready by your deadline!
Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen & CoachT, founder of and creator of 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success SystemT, teaches professionals how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create abundance in your business, visit

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